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If you're visiting this page, chances are you're considering joining us at Barraque Street. Maybe you're considering starting or renewing your journey with Jesus Christ, searching for a church to call home, or a college student looking for a community to be part of while you're away from home. We're excited about the possibility of you becoming a part of our family here at Barraque Street Missionary Baptist Church. Our community is built on love, support, and a desire to grow together in faith. If you're interested in joining us or have some questions about what we believe or what we do, we'd love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below to get in touch.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing our journey with you.

The Roman Road outlines a spiritual journey towards salvation, emphasizing the need for grace through faith in Christ:

  1. Admission of Need: Acknowledge that all are sinners in need of salvation (Romans 3:10-12, 23).
  2. Recognition of Penalty: Understand that sin's consequence is death (Romans 6:23).
  3. Acknowledgement of Sacrifice: Believe that Jesus Christ paid for our sins through His death (Romans 5:8).
  4. Faith in Christ: Trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and eternal life (Romans 10:9-10, 13).
  5. Acceptance of Peace: Embrace the peace and relationship with God that salvation brings (Romans 8:1, 38-39).

To receive this gift of salvation:

  1. Confess your sins, acknowledging your need for a Savior.
  2. Recognize that without Christ, you face the penalty of sin, which is death.
  3. Trust in Jesus' sacrifice as the payment for your sins.
  4. Repent, turning from sin to a new life in Christ.
  5. Accept God's free gift of salvation, entering into a peaceful relationship with Him.