Our History

The blessed reality of the church as a living organism with Jesus Christ Himself functioning as head was established in 1885 by a small group of Christians in Battlesville Township.  Leaders from five families:  the Adams, the Conways. the Gurleys, Huggins, and Risens; raised their voices together in prayer to the Sovereign Lord.  These families charged with an atmosphere of healing souls, commenced worshipping in Gurley’s Hall under the ministry of Rev. John Harris.  Thus, their corporate spiritual interaction was transferred from the First Missionary Baptist Church to a new congregation in Battlesville Township.

Gurley’s Hall, a small building located on the corner lot across from the present site, became the worship site for approximately nine years.  In this remote and dense forest, the early worshippers developed a healthy, responsive body that continued to praise God as the Creator, Redeemer, and Judge.  In 1892, the women of the church organized the Bible Band.  Interest grew rapidly for construction of a church in the same area.

The years from 1894 to 1910 witnessed dynamic and progressive growth.  The early worshippers committed themselves to new opportunities and challenges.  A new church was built across from Gurley’s Hall and named Barraque Street Missionary Baptist.  Barraque Street was the nearest street to the church site.  The new structure faced north with front, side, and rear entrances on the east side of the structure.  Rev. J. C. Battles, the pastor from 1894-1910, provided the spiritual leadership that completed the building.  W. H. Zachary headed the music department.  He was baptized in the church, but elected to have membership in another congregation.  He played the church’s first organ.  The organ was a pneumatic air organ where air was supplied to the bellows by pumping.  It remained in the church for about thirty years.  Evelyn Ferguson was the pianist.  Dr. D. L. Lindsey who assisted Rev. Battles, became pastor in 1910.  He continued for twelve years the type of ministry previously established by Rev. Battles.

Immediately following World War I, the church reduced its emphasis on physical and institutional expansions and focused on preaching and worship.  This period was identified with the pastorate of Rev. William M. Erby, 1922-1926, and Rev. J. W. Cassey, 1926-1930.  Rev. Erby also stressed youth activities in the church.  His ideas and freedom of participation were not supported by a majority of the members.  Many of the members were products of the conservative Black church leadership from the Reconstruction Era.

From the Depression to the early sixties, the church leadership turned to institutional and organizational growth.  Rev. Samuel Morris became the pastor in 1930, and he initiated programs which increased the membership.  One ministerial feature was the open sanctuary policy of the church.  He kept the sanctuary open and available to the public twenty-four hours daily.  These decisions led to the expansion of the Sunday School and mission for the youth.  Even though verifiable data is inconclusive, it is believed that construction of the parsonage began in this era.

In 1935, Rev. C. B. Knox succeeded Rev. Morris and easily increased support and confidence for the church.  The membership continued to grow geographically encompassing the surrounding communities.  The church was remodeled and indoor plumbing was installed.  For the first time, the Church became affiliated with the local, state, and national conventions.

The mission program was formally organized into circles.  The youth were organized into the Young People’s Department.  Because of Rev. Knox’s prestigious positions in the National Baptist Convention, the church began to interact with nationally recognized Baptist groups, and it also became one of the few influential churches in socio-political affairs in Pine Bluff.  The early sixties provided years of stable spiritual growth under the leadership of Rev. C. N. Eiland, but little emphasis was on physical and institutional expansions.  Rev. Robert Willingham became the pastor in 1965, and from the mid-sixties to the mid-seventies, the traditional style of growth was replaced with a new vitality and flexibility in service.  Rev. Willingham expanded the auxiliaries to include a Young Matrons Circle, Youth Organizations, Advisory Council, the Brotherhood, and the Evangelistic Team.  The deacon board was expanded to include younger deacons.  The financial operations were organized under book-keeping officers.  The Bus Ministry was introduced.

The church choirs were organized into three distinct groups.  For the first time, large numbers of young people attended the National Congress.  The highlight of the period was the construction of a new modern church building.  The membership increased and were involved in more National Baptist activities.  The Sunday School expanded to the extent that the church parsonage had to be utilized.

In 1977, Dr. Robert Dickerson, Jr., a leader in the Progressive Baptist Convention, was elected pastor.  The church in support of his role in that convention changed its affiliation to the Progressive Baptist Convention.  The church became a nationally recognized group in the convention.  The Sunday School was organized in accordance with the literature from Cook Publishers.  Dr. Dickerson introduced the “Children’s Sermon” in the morning worship service, and has become a permanent feature at church worship.

In the first half of the 1980’s, the church experienced continued growth under the leadership of Dr. Timothy R. Ramey.  With the continued growth in membership of new converts and transfer of members, the parsonage was removed and an educational building was built.  This educational building which includes twelve classrooms, a kitchen, fellowship hall, three offices and a library, began service in March 1986.  

The arrival of Rev. Robert Thompson to the church in August 1998 brought renewed determination to the fellowship. Emphasis was placed upon enlivening, equipping empowering and engaging the leaders and members of the church in the work of the ministry.  As a result, many new converts were added to the congregation, along with numerous additions by Christian experience and letters of transfer.  New challenges were placed before the church members to engage in the Christian Education ministries of the Sunday School and Nurture for Baptist churches programs.  An evangelistic outreach ministry was actively reaching into the community for Christ.  A vital part of this outreach was the NEADS (Networking to Eliminate Adversity by Developing Self-Image) Outreach Ministry, Inc., directed toward disenfranchised women of the community.  Two vans were purchased for the transportation of members and for outreach as part of the church’s Bus Ministry.

In 2010, Rev. Lloyd A. Holcomb, Jr. was selected pastor.  Under his leadership, renovations of the existing facility continued with the installation of new carpet, new roof, elevator lift, accessible restrooms and the purchase the purchase of the property located at 1801 West Pullen Street.  Because of his dynamic preaching style, emphasis on evangelism and Christian Education, his willingness to study and to continue his education; many souls were saved and rededicated to Christ as well.  Also, from a technological perspective, texting was implemented to keep members apprised of church family business, audio visual equipment was installed in the sanctuary and a digital marquee was installed outdoors.   Under the leadership of Pastor Holcomb, an improvement plan was being implemented to include the continuation of remodeling and expansion of the current facility, and the utilization of other existing properties.

Rev. Sidney Milton, Sr., was selected to serve as pastor in December 2019.  His duties as pastor began on February 2, 2020.

The Barraque Street Missionary Baptist Church has been an essential and exemplary part of the community. She has been a progressive church shining her light in the world of spiritual decay, providing a necessary and essential healing presence throughout her history.

The Barraque Street Missionary Baptist Church is a contemporary church continuing the first century mission.  She has provided a necessary spiritual and religious education essential for any period in history.  She has served the community well.